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Friends of Vernon Marsh is one of this year's Grant Award winners through the Waukesha County Community Foundation. Allen Stasiewski and Tom Sherman attended this year's award breakfast to receive the grant award!

June 1, 2022


Hello Friends,


Well summer seems to have finally arrived. It's beautiful outside right now with promises of many more days like this.  I wanted to send you a quick update on a few items of interest.  


First, I want to apologize that we were unable to pull together a Friends of Vernon Marsh Paddle Day this Spring.  Life sort of got in the way on a number of different levels and planning this event in June just couldn't be done.  It seemed that there were no weekends available this year as we were planning a trip to Montana this week to see our grandson...and then COVID reared its ugly head again in my son's circle of friends in Montana, and we had to cancel.  Combine this with several local camping trips, a deer collision, and a hail storm.... you get the picture. 


Well, as I now have this weekend available, but no way to transport my kayak (remember the deer hit), I'd like to invite anyone who might be interested to an informal kayaking meet-up on Wind Lake this Saturday morning, June 4th, at 9:00 am.  We'll launch from my yard on West Wind Lake Rd., in Wind Lake.  Just email me if you'd like to join us and I'll get you the specifics.  I do have one extra kayak for someone who might like to paddle but doesn't have one.  I guess we'll just say "first come. first serve" for the kayak usage.   


Secondly, I want to thank all who have sent in their memberships!  We rely on your paid membership to help fulfill our mission....informing and educating people on the value the Vernon Marsh brings to us all.  I've attached a 2022 membership form, so if you've just not gotten around to renewing, please do it now!  We need you!  Why? Well that leads us to our third update.


Thirdly, most of you have heard by now that Friends of Vernon Marsh has received a $20,000 matching grant from the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.  The grant will be used to assist the DNR to construct a new trail in the Vernon Marsh, specifically to help pay for the construction of boardwalk on the wetter sections of the new trail and for other items and labor required for such an undertaking.  To say the least...we're really excited about this new trail!  We do, however need to match the $20,000 with $20,000 of our organizations money.  Your membership will help!  We'll also be doing some fundraising in other ways, over the next several years.   So if you value the Vernon Marsh please stay tuned and help if you can!


Fourthly, watch for announcements of more events this summer, including a winery event, hike(s), and other activities.


Thanks again for all your support in the past and looking forward to seeing you this summer!  


Let me know if you're interested in spending a couple of hours on Wind Lake this upcoming Saturday morning for an ad hoc meet-up on the lake.


Allen Stasiewski on behalf of Friends of Vernon Marsh


2022 Join or Renew your Friends of Vernon Marsh Membership                                   Membership Application


you may have noticed that we've been pretty quiet about your Friends of Vernon Marsh Membership for a while now.  That's because we made a decision in 2020 not to trouble you during the COVID pandemic.  We felt that people had enough to think about with COVID and membership in Friends of Vernon Marsh should not be a priority.  


Well, now that things have improved we are reaching out to you once again.  Will you please join or renew your membership now?  I've attached a membership form that can be used to join or renew.  Your membership is important.  We have a busy few years ahead of us.  Please read our exciting news below!  

  • We are very pleased to announce that in March we received a $20,000 matching grant through the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.  These funds and our $20,000 match will allow work to begin on the new trail we're building with the DNR in the Marsh.  The money will be used to build several sections of boardwalk over wet areas along the new trail as well as other trail related work/materials.  

  • Our Spring Clean-Up is scheduled for Saturday May 7, 2022.  We'll meet at the Frog Alley Observation area at 9:00 am.  No RSVP is required.

  • We have added another Oral History Interview to our website.  Click here to visit the page and learn about people who've made the Vernon Marsh a part of their lives!  Interviews are in process so make sure you visit again to read more.

  • More later....

Help us protect and enhance our beautiful Vernon Marsh Wildlife Area!   Send in your membership now and we'll extend your membership through the end of 2023!  That's almost two years for the cost of a one year membership!  Please help.  We need you!

2021 Paddle Day

Saturday June 12th 2021 turned out to be a great day for 12 lucky Vernon Marsh paddlers!  We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather.  We met at Fox River Park in Waukesha and after a short orientation and safety review we slid our kayaks into the river.  Water levels turned out to be perfect.  With a decent current and a nice breeze we were on our way!  The trip was a little longer than past trips.  We clocked in at about 4 1/2 hours on the water, resulting in a few sore muscles on Sunday morning I'm sure!  We paddled a total of 11.5 miles, a record for many of us in a single day's paddle! (see map)


During the trip we spotted many birds, blue heron, turtles, fish and even a bald eagle (see pic of nest).   As the last of our paddlers left the river at HWY ES in Waterford, everyone helped load kayaks on our Shuttle bus' trailer.  Then it was back to our put-in spot at Fox River Park and good-byes until next time!  


A great day, a great river, our beautiful Vernon Marsh, and a great group!!  Thanks to everyone!

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Friends of Vernon Marsh - PO Box 1361 - Waukesha, WI 53187


website by sue

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