Audio Interview
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Hobo Logger This photo shows the data we receive from our hobo data loggers. The logger is located on the frog alley impoundment. The date of the data appears at the bottom and ranges from installation on Aug 12th 2022 to September 14th 2023. On the left axis and the line in red, we see temperature and on the right axis in purple is water level. We can use this information to compare to the vegetation we see in the marsh and to relative rainfall.

Fabulous Fox Benson – This photo shows our new entry point to the Fabulous Fox Water Trail which is a nationally recognized water trail. This entry point is mile marker 165.8 on the trail and can be found off of Benson Ave. This point of the fox river runs along our dike system and one of the two wildlife refuges on Vernon Wildlife Area.

New Trail – This photo was taken after we re-graveled and upgraded the trail along the frog alley dike. At the parking area we also have a boat launch. Its also another entry point for the Fabulous Fox Water Trail. This access point can be reached by portaging along the dike or by paddling through the frog alley impoundment. This area gets a lot of attention as its popular for duck hunters. We plan to regularly conduct drawdowns here to help maintain open water for navigation and to produce more beneficial vegetation.

Lager Vernon – This is my 9 year old German Shorthaired Pointer, named Lager visiting the frog alley dike before we re-graveled the trail.

Forestry Mowed Bear Den Woods – This area was recently forestry mowed to remove invasive species. This is a common habitat management practice. Oaks and hickory trees are left while invasive brush like buckthorn and honeysuckle are removed.

Fringed Gentian – Pictured of a fringed gentian plant. These plants are found in fen or wet meadow areas. This is a rarer plant for Vernon Wildlife Area and is only found in areas of higher quality habitat. These are the areas we are hoping to highlight and provide better access to with the installation of several boardwalks.

Amron Spring 2019 -This spring burn off of HWY I was done to control invasive species and the photo shows the fire slowly backing.

Frog Alley Cattails - a winter burn in 2021. This burn was conducted after the impoundment was drawn down.
2022 Spence Stehno Birding and the Vernon Marsh
Audio Interview

February 2020 Interview with Dick Mejchar